InvisaSwivel From Aquateko |
Anglers go out of their way They buy expensive line made from fluorocarbon, with the same density as water, that disappears when dunked. Then what do they do? They tie a metal swivel to the line. Oh, a fish can’t see that. Yeah. |
The folks at Aquateko thought about that. So they developed the InvisaSwivel, a clear-plastic swivel made with fluorocarbon. The InvisaSwivel is invisible under water. It’s also meant to perform better than metal swivels. The lighter weight allows the line to move more naturally than Neither saltwater nor freshwater affects the InvisaSwivel. The space-age material -- specifically Fluoro-Clear, a type of fluorocarbon -- also self-lubricates the InvisaSwivel, the company says. Plus the InvisaSwivel won’t nick the rod guides like metal will. What’s more, the InvisaSwivel can be bent hundreds of times InvisaSwivels come in 12-, 25-, 35- and 55-pound sizes. An invisible swivel -- that figures, huh? For more info on the InvisaSwivel, visit the Aquateko Web site. |