Senators John Adler (D-6th) and Stephen Sweeney (D-3rd) introduced S 2945, a bill in the New Jersey State Senate to establish the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) license plate. Designed by marine artist Steve Goione, the RFA license plate will feature a life-like rendition of an Atlantic striped bass feeding in Jersey waters. Funds generated from RFA license plate sales will help finance marine fishery programs in the state and create a saltwater angler registry. The creation of a free saltwater angler registry would eliminate the need for a saltwater license which would amount to a tax on anglers.
"We envision the revenue generated from the sale of RFA license plates will help fill budgetary gaps within the NJ marine fisheries programs and more importantly, fully fund the implementation of a state level saltwater angler registry," states Jim Donofrio. "A registry is a much more comprehensive method of gathering angler information required by Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). Most saltwater licenses are littered with exemptions that create gaps in data collection."
Section 401 of the recently reauthorized MSA mandates the implementation of a national registry to gather angler contact information. This information will improve the sampling framework used to generate effort and participation estimates. While MSA contains language to prohibit a registry fee before January 1, 2011, NMFS has already indicated that once this date has expired, they will impose a fee and price it around $27.00 per year. States that have a saltwater license program that met the requirements of the registry would be exempt. At this time, no state-level program meets these requirements and some fishermen could find themselves in the situation of having to purchase a state saltwater license in addition to paying a fee for the federal registry. A state level registry funded through RFA license plate sales would comply with the requirement of MSA and eliminate the need for a state saltwater license.
"We appreciate the commitment of Senators Adler and Sweeney making recreational fishing a priority in Trenton. From their continued support of striped bass gamefish status, supporting the prohibition of reduction fishing for menhaden in New Jersey waters, and taking key leadership roles in passing the Reef Bill, S 2635; to prohibit pots and traps on New Jersey's artificial reefs, out of committee, Senators Adler and Sweeney have proven to be true champions for recreational anglers" continues Donofrio. "We hope their creative approach to improve recreational fishing data collection is utilized by other coastal states trying to come into compliance with MSA."