From the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife:
The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has announced the winners of the 2010 Skillful Angler Awards Program.
The program honors anglers who catch both freshwater and marine fish that are not quite record size, but are large enough to have tested the angler's skill and be worthy of recognition.
The Division has granted Skillful Angler status to 3,068 anglers since the program's inception in 1983.
In 2010, 127 applications representing 25 different species were officially processed.
All anglers with entries that meet the minimum weight or length requirements are recognized as Skillful Anglers, with the largest entry in each species category being recognized on the winners list.
To view the winners of each category, and for more information on the program, visit the
division's website.
Congratulations to all of our Skillful Angler winners!
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